
分享嘉賓 Speaker: 吳曉東 教授 Prof. WU Xiaodong (Peking U) 
主持人 Moderator: 林姵吟 教授 Prof. LIN Pei-yin (HKU) 
日期時間 Date & Time: April 25, 2024 (Thu) 16:30-18:00pm
語言 Language: 普通話 Putonghua
地點 Venue: KK102, K.K. Leung Building, Main Campus, HKU

摘要 Abstract:
廿一世紀才得以面世的《異鄉記》雖是張愛玲的一部殘稿,卻也是爐火純青之作,既呈現出遊記散文的樣貌,也涵容了豐沛的小說性。 而其文體前所未有的雜糅性和不定性,則寓意著文本的未完成性,產生了多維度的闡釋空間。本次講座從釐析《異鄉記》的文體特徵入手,透視張愛玲在異鄉書寫過程中所內涵的風景認知裝置,以及對人情世態的犀利而冷峻的審視目光,進而探討《異鄉記》所傳達 的「中國」感受,勾勒張愛玲「中國體驗」的嬗變歷程。 最後嘗試整合文本敘事、隱喻修辭、詩性語言等諸種詩學向度,彰顯《異鄉記》在張愛玲創作生涯中的獨特性。 

Eileen Chang’s incomplete manuscript Chronicle of a Strange Land was posthumously published in 2010. Originally written in 1946, Chronicle is structured like a travelogue but unfolds like a fiction narrative. Its incompleteness and stylistic hybridity lead to multiple readings. This lecture begins with a stylistic analysis of the narrative, followed by a discussion of how an internal landscape is materialized as the narrative progresses. In a land of strangeness, a particular “Chineseness” comes into shape, observed through a sharp and stern gaze, and realized in a metaphorical and, at times, poetic language. This lecture defines the uniqueness of Chronicle in the context of Eileen Chang’s entire writing career. 

講者簡介 About the Speaker:
吳曉東 北京大學中文系教授,主要研究領域為中國現代文學,大量的專著和編著中的代表作品有:《陽光與苦難》、《象徵主義與中國現代文學》、《從卡夫卡到昆德拉》、《二十世紀外國小說專題》、《鏡花水月的世界》、《二十世紀的詩心》、《一九三〇年代的滬上文學風景》、《臨水的納蕤思:中國現代派詩歌的藝術母題》、《記憶的神話》、《文學性的命運》等等。

WU Xiaodong is Professor of Modern Chinese Literature at Peking University. He is the prolific author and editor of dozens of monographs and editions including the following: Sunlight and SufferingSymbolism in Modern Chinese LiteratureFrom Kafka to KundelaCase Studies of Twentieth-Century NovelsThe World Through the Looking GlassThe Zeitgeist of Twentieth-Century PoetryThe Literary Landscape in 1930s ShanghaiNarcissus at the Water: A Study of Motifs in Modern Chinese PoetryThe Myth of MemoriesThe Destiny of Literariness, and many more.

This event is held as part of the New Directions in Eileen Chang Studies Lecture Series |
Co-hosted by School of Chinese and Department of Comparative Literature, HKU
Co-sponsored by Louis Cha Fund for Chinese studies & East/West studies in the Faculty
& Center for the Study of Globalization and Cultures (CSGC)

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